
Cold Storage Racking

Cold storage operations may be challenging to manage: businesses want solutions that satisfy their storage requirements while also conserving space and energy and keeping goods at the right temperature. Our Material Handling department has a number of solutions that match these requirements and keep your cold storage facility running smoothly.

Options for Cold Storage Racking

Pallet racking for cold storage saves electricity and keeps products tidy while conserving freezer space. To ensure long-term endurance, these systems can endure cold conditions. Traditional systems such as Selective Racking, Flow Racking, Pushback Racking, and Carton Flow, as well as completely automated options such as Shuttles and AGVs, are also available.

Services for Installation

We provide our customers or have access to expert material handling equipment assembly and installation personnel. Our crews are prepared to install your cold storage racking system. No matter how big the project is, we can work with you and your organisation.


Warehouse & Factory Racking System

Warehouse and factory racking system stacks things horizontally on many levels in horizontal rows. Every maximizes space utilization while minimizing disruption to your activities, particularly the selecting process. Companies that rely significantly on intelligent storage solutions for their business operations may become more resilient, flexible, and dependable by lowering order fulfilment times and maximizing the use of all available storage space and resources.

Connect Solutions, with its clever warehouse racking system, intelligent designs, and extensive project management knowledge, assists businesses in accomplishing this goal. Our warehouse storage solutions look at and address your storage facility’s fundamental duties.


Consider These Factors When Choosing the Right Racking System

The expected cost per pallet is referred to as the budget. Consider this while ensuring that the racking system meets all of your requirements.
Floor Utilization - A racking system's ability to maximize warehouse floor space.
Storage Utilization - The amount of space in the racking system that you can use. The amount you'll require is determined on the volume, size, and weight of your shipment.
Versatility refers to a racking system's capacity to store a larger variety of items.